Since then plenty of new reports have come out and essentially it has come down whether or not you believe what he and his family is saying of the incident. That is, whether or not you believe the people who are genetically bound to take his side no matter what even when presented with a mound of evidence suggesting he killed her violently and with obvious intent, according to the investigation. Most recently it has been suggested that after the most recent of domestic disturbances resulting in police coming to his home, Pistorius shot Reeva Steenkamp in the hip, beat her with a cricket bat, followed her when she fled to a bathroom and shot her 3 more times from the other side of a door, then carried her down the stairs,waited a few hours to call the police and then lied, saying he believed it was an intruder and he thought she would be surprising him for Valentine's Day.
Regardless, it's a good thing they do or we wouldn't have about 6,000 videos of the meteorite that reportedly injured 1,100 Russians. Neil DeGrasse Tyson talks about it on the Today show.
If you don't want to watch this awesome man, he basically says that people got hurt because they walked over to glass windows to look at the sky after seeing a huge flash, just in time for a sonic blast to blow the windows out and cover them in broken glass. He also says the meteorite was coincidental to the meteor shower scheduled to come hours later in the day, calling it a 'once in a decade' event.
In other News, the hacker group Anonymous continued its attack on the U.S. Federal Reserve with a megaphishing attack that resulted in a large number of secret information being leaked.
The Pope's resignation is starting to make more and more sense after some documents were leaked in what is being called Vatileaks, revealing the Vatican is corrupt and split over a number of issues, most notably the cover up of child abuse around the world. Apparently Ratzinger wanted to try to end some of the corruption he saw as a major issue with the church upon his coming into the position, but the geriarchy (new word for me, means a government controlled by the elderly) of the Catholic church is not quite progressive enough yet, and the man Ratzinger thought might be able to help him was essentially exiled to a plush position here in the U.S. to keep him as far from Italian politics as possible.
Unfortunately, in addition to being tied to an obsolete and dying system, there is almost no tolerance amongst these eldest of elders for any sort of progress, which means when they 'elect' the new pope he probably will be young ( 60 > 80 ), white, European and want nothing to do with contraceptives, homosexual relationships, abortions, ending the child molestation pandemic by his own priests or anything that many citizens of the world would like to see the Pope do. In fact we will probably have to wait until the 20 year old priests currently working their way through seminary have made it to the ripe old age of 70 to have any of those things coming down from the top. But I predict that in 50 years the growth of the 'nones' will have so far outpaced the decline of the Catholic church that not only will Italy have demanded the church begin paying taxes, but there will be so few Catholics left in Europe that the Vatican as we know it today will no longer exist, instead moving to somewhere in a war-torn African or South American country where the percentage of practicing Catholics is much higher. I base this on the trend of European Catholicism which is now more a meaningless social practice than a faith experience. When the Vatican is forced to pay taxes for the land it borrows from an Italy on the edge of bankruptcy, paying its $945 million will certainly cause tithes to increase by quite a lot around the world. God forbid the Cardinals in the Vatican be forced to lose their plush lifestyles. In Europe this will force most to do a cost benefit analysis of attending church and most people, seeing the benefit as effectively null, will choose to instead pray in their homes instead of in church. Not able to afford its massive bill, the Vatican will close up shop and move somewhere else.
I recently discovered the OKcupid blog, I will probably only read it one time, today, but I'll share it with you. Via reddit, I have learned about which religions are most likely to lie about masturbating, if Twitter use has any effect on relationship length and at what age females stop enjoying rough sex (luckily I'm not out of luck yet!). It's a pretty neat blog with some funny charts.
There is a ton of stuff going on in the world and the more you know now, the better you will be at understanding "I love the 20-teens" 15 years from now, so get on it!
Quick rundown:
Paul McCartney's Grandkids beat him at Rock Band
U.S. Prison populations are out of control
(Not that new) Portugal (Port of Gaul)'s drug use is down by more than half after decriminalizing hard drug use and treating users as sick patients instead of criminals
Not a link but if you have Netflix, the ESPN 30 for 30 series is up Here is IMDB's rankings of the films I recently watched Straight Outta' LA and Small Potatoes, both were pretty cool. I was born in the midst of a lot of this stuff as were most of you reading this but I had no idea it was going on. Plus Donald Trump being a dick, except with some hair.
Spoiler Alert: Donald Trump ruined the USFL, which could have become something really cool, think a relevant league for the Columbus Destroyers.. in the springtime. For those of us who don't really like Baseball and Hockey for anything but highlights, we could be watching high quality professional football ALL YEAR LONG. Thanks Donny, asshole.
That about wraps it up. Try eating Sushi, it's good. Don't buy anything from Wal Mart and try the new Budweiser Crown whatever beer. It's pretty decent. I hate myself for loving Starbucks and for doing nothing all weekend, I hope you were all much more productive than I was.
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